In order to help you choose the right color we've grouped the different color tones together. Each group contains a video that shows and compares the various color tones so you can have a more accurate idea and can choose the shade closer to your natural color.
Check out our videos and see the wide range of colors that Fair Fashion's Tape-in extensions offer!
1. Black and Dark Browns
2. Medium Browns
3. Light Ash Browns
4. Dark Golden Copper Blondes
5. Light Blondes
6. Reds
7. Highlights
8. Ombre Colors
9. Dark Rooted Colors
If you can't seem to find a color that perfectly matches your hair color, it's possible to re-create it, but remember: the hair used to make extensions has already been bleached and dyed into many different shades. Rather than coloring your extensions we recommend dyeing or bleaching your hair instead, so as to get a similar color to the extensions. But if you still prefer changing the color of your extensions, then you must go from a lighter shade to a darker shade, slightly changing the color chosen initially to make it similar to your hair.
This should be carried out by a professional hairstylist and
it's very important to avoid bleaching.
Please note that your guarantee will no longer be valid if you have your hair extensions dyed or bleached.